If you sometimes feel stressed out, feel Like you have too much to do too little time, you WANT to know about this simple alternate nostril breathing technique and its stunning benefits.
Perhaps you feel nervous about a project you are working on, or a presentation you have later in the day. Your mind is running all over the place. You want to slow it down so you can concentrate but nothing seems to work.
Sure happens to me all the time, but I have learned a powerful ancient breathing exercise that instantly calms my mind and brings me right back into the present moment. And I would like to share some of the stunning benefits of this simple practice of alternate nostril breathing that I have experienced myself.
Alternate Nostril Breathing a.k.a Nadi Shodhana Pranayama
Alternate Nostril Breathing is a simple yet powerful breathing exercise that can INSTANTLY help you relieve all the unnecessary stress in your life.
Here are some stunning benefits of Alternate Nostril Breathing:
Relaxion for the Mind
First, it relaxes your mind, and helps you release all the excess tension and exhaustion from your precious body. And all you have to do is practice this simple exercise for just a couple of minutes every day. 3-5 minutes is Ideal.
Clarity of Mind
Second, alternate nostril breathing balances the left and right hemispheres of your brain which gives you immense clarity of mind.
A little practice on its own
The most amazing thing about this simple yet powerful technique is that it can be done as a little practice on its own anywhere or at any time. It is however best done on an empty stomach and better not done when you are congested or feeling sick.
And it is not a substitute for any medical treatment. Always talk to your doctor before beginning any breathing exercise, especially if you have any medical concerns or conditions.
When to practice Alternate Nostril Breathing
Whenever I feel nervous about a presentation, anxious about a conversation, or just stressed out, and I want to quiet my chattering mind I turn to my Nadi Shodhana Pranayam (alternate nostril breathing), and without fail it always brings me right back to my center and into the present moment.
The good thing about it is that it can be done at any time whenever you feel the need to focus or relax; it doesn’t have to be done as part of a yoga or meditation practice. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, with just 3-5 minutes of alternate nostril breathing you can restore your balance and ease your mind.
Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) can also be practiced before or after your yoga exercise, or before your meditation practice if you feel the need for an extra nugget to help you relax your mind and deepen your meditation.
Some people enjoy doing Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) in the morning, others prefer to do it in the evening before going to bed, and some do it 2-3 a day (on an empty stomach). Just find what works best for you as we all have different results and always have our own experience. Just listen to YOU and do what works best for YOU.

But DO it because it really is a kick ass tool to help you quiet the chattering mind especially if you are experiencing any sort of anxiety, stress or having issues to fall asleep. And as it is with any breathing technique or meditation practice you MUST practice to see results. So just do it.
As the awesome Girl Bosses that we all are sometimes we end up doing way too many things all at once, we are constantly making things happen, getting shit done, doing every one’s job, multitasking all day every day, and as a result we wind up feeling exhausted and drained, this is a sign that we are energetically out of balance, and this powerful breathing technique can work wonders in restoring that crucial alignment.
Additional Benefits of alternate nostril breathing
Besides calming the mind and relieving stress, alternate nostril breathing also:
- Improves your ability to focus
- Supports your lungs
- Clears up your energetic channels (nadis)
- Rejuvenates your entire nervous system
- Removes toxins from your body
So here you have it, some of the most stunning benefits of alternate nostril breathing. Get on with the program girlfriend. Take care of your body, mind and spirit.
And whenever you feel a bit stressed out, or just want to slow down the chatter in your mind take advantage of the power of your own breath, do your alternate nostril breathing, so that you can keep on rocking.
For detailed instructions on how to practice Alternate Nostril Breathing please read article on How to Practice Alternate Nostril Breathing.
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