Do you ever feel like you just can’t move forward, like something is holding you back? That’s fear! And here’s how to conquer your fears with 5 simple steps.
How would your life be different today if you knew without a doubt in your mind you could not fail? If, just for the sake of it, you decided to be who you were born to be, who would you be? How would your world be a better place today? If fear was not standing in your way, what would you be doing right now?
Well, I have good news for you, you don’t have to wait to be utterly free from fear to make your next move. Neither do you have to wait for the perfect moment to make that bold step. There is another way. You can conquer your fear with these 5 simple steps.
You can make that jump while holding your fear in one hand, and holding courage in the other hand. Or you can use it to give you that kick in the butt you need to make that jump. The choice is yours. Be creative with what you use your fear for.
The truth about fear
The first thing you have to do is look at yourself and be brutally honest with yourself. Know what is working for you and what is not. Embrace it all. That which is working for you and that which isn’t working. It is all there for a reason.
Second, you have to accept that everything (whatever is working and whatever is not working) is temporary. Yes, you heard that right, it is all temporary, nothing has to stay with you forever, some will be with you for just a little bit, some for somewhat longer, and others for years. And it is ok. It is here for a reason.
Know that you have the power in you to change anything you chose to. If you want to change anything, even those freaky emotions such as fear, guilt, doubt, blame, and shame, you HAVE the power to do so. It all starts with you.
Just chill
Transformation does not happen overnight. It is one tiny little change at a time, one petite move today, and another small step tomorrow. It is slowly but surely changing your mindset, the beliefs you hold about yourself, the thoughts and conversations you have day in and day out. And before you know it, you won’t be able to recognize yourself.
The most important thing is to use your fear wisely. Use it as a kick-in-the-butt when you are slouching. Instead of allowing it to paralyze you, let it be what drives you, let it be what motivates you, let it be what wakes you up in the morning, what makes you work a little harder, do a little bit more, go the extra mile. Use fear as an opportunity to become better than you were yesterday and more of who you truly are.
So here you have it, 5 simple steps to conquer your fears and rise above them.

Step #1 to conquer your fears is to know that it is ok to have fears.
Yes. It is ok to have fears. We all have fears. And it is ok to talk about your fears. When you talk about your fear, it is because you are aware of them.
By being aware of your fears and talking about them, you create a space between you and the fear. And in this space, you have a choice to rise above it and no longer allow it to have control over you. Now you get to be in control of it. Now you get to be in the driver seat. And when you are sitting firmly in the driver seat, the fear cannot help but to dissipate and dissolve into the nothingness that it is.
Step #2 to conquer your fears is to acknowledge the fear.
Confront your fear. Look it in the eye and do it anyway. This is how you build courage. There is no need to be afraid of fear. Confront the beast, and it will die.
What would happen if you confront your fear, look it in the eye, and DO IT ANYWAY? Who would you be? What would you do?
The secret is in your passion. When your passion is stronger than the fear, who gives a flying rat if you fall? You get up, wipe off the dust, and keep going. When you love what you do and believe in what you do, you rise above all fear.
Step #3 to conquer your fears is to be willing to feel the sensations of fear.
Explore the feelings. We are so afraid of the fear that we give it way too much power. Fear is just energy, nothing else. It is just an emotion. Allow it to be there and feel it. Be with it. Accept it. Even embrace it if you can.
Feel your feelings. allow yourself to feel the feelings. Try to identify where you feel it in your body. Is it in your throat, or is it in your stomach? Is it moving? Is it really hard to identify, Where is it? Go inward!
You have to redefine the whole meaning of fear. Fear is nothing more than an emotion, just like any other emotion. Just like love is an emotion so is fear. But we are so afraid of it that we give it so much more power than it is. In reality, fear is just nothing, zip, zilch, zero, nada!
In truth, fear is just a story we keep telling ourselves repeatedly about something that COULD happen in the future. The worst thing is that it is a story that hasn’t even happened, and we are not even sure it will happen, yet we give it so much importance.
There is a number of studies that show that the energy of fear is not good for your body. Refuse to allow fear to control you and absorb all your precious energy, no longer let fear be that which stops you, that which stands in your way but that which pushes you and keeps you moving forward.
Step #4 to conquer your fears is to accept the fear and transform it
Accept that the fera is there. Embrace it and use it as a reminder that you have not conquered the world yet, that you are still moving. Let fear be your motivation, your best friend, and nothing else. Let it be the opportunity to become stronger, bolder, more courageous, have more faith, and know that you can move mountains.
Step #5 to conquer your fears is to step outside of your comfort zone.
Comfortable is boring. Be bold. Be courageous. Be fearlessly YOU.
You are amazing. You are one powerful being. Who you are at the core of your being is way much more potent than any fear. Refuse to allow it to stand in your way. You kick it aside. And unflinchingly dare to keep moving forward.
So here you have it, 5 simple steps to conquer your fears:
- It is ok to have fears
- Acknowledge the fear
- Explore the sensations of fear
- Accept the fear
- Watch the fear and do it anyway
Helpful Resources:
- How to be at peace amidst challenging situations
- A beginner’s guide to the 7 chakras and your emotions
- 4 Scientifically proven way to boos your self-confidence
- Best quick fix for quieting the monkey mind
- 2 Kickass ways to master your mind
- How to rise above your limiting beliefs
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