Need some motivation to exercise and stay fit? You are in the right place. Here is how I motivate myself to exercise 6 times a week without fail.
People ask me all the time: How on earth do you motivate yourself to exercise almost every day?
And I get it because as much as I enjoy a good sweat, the truth is I too sometimes want to snooze that button and sleep in a little bit longer.
However, I’m a true believer in exercise’s mental and health benefits, and get mayor edge and bitchy when I don’t get to work out for a few days. So, in the light of inspiring this healthy habit to my peeps, here is how I motivate myself to exercise 6 times a week.
Plan your exercise
The one thing all the insanely successful people have in common is that their day is planned on the dot in every way. From the moment they rise and shine to the second, they call it a day, including their exercise regime.
Set a date and time that you will be doing your exercise. Mark it in on your calendar. Consider it a date you can’t afford to miss. Making the decision that you are going to exercise at a specific time and writing it down helps you make it happen. Yes, write it down. Research shows that people are more likely to follow through on their activities when they write it down.
I am a bit of a routine freak, so I prefer to exercise every day around the same time. But whenever I am traveling or have a crazy hectic week, I make sure to write down exactly when, where, and what I am going to do to sweat a bit.
Variation is key
Although I am one of those who don’t mind to go for the same run day after day, most people get sick of doing the same thing over and over again. And I have noticed that whenever I mix up my routine, pick a new route, join a different gym, take a new yoga class, work out with a personal trainer or take a new spinning class, it kicks up my motivation.
So if you are one of those who go bananas if you have to do the same damn thing day in day out, I highly recommend a varied routine, do what you enjoy doing, but mix it up a bit to avoid the OMG, not this again!
Have a kick-ass playlist
My way to go about music is to find a playlist I love and play it until I can no longer stand to hear the same beat. If you are anything like me, updating your playlist will boost your motivation. Music is the one thing that will keep you going like nothing else does.
Have an exercise buddy
When it comes to exercise, I prefer not to depend on others. My exercise is my appointment with myself. I enjoy working out alone and find it very convenient, but it is nice to mix those solo workouts with a group class or a friend.
Choosing an exercise partner who shares your goals can be a huge motivation. It helps you both to stay accountable. You will think it twice to talk yourself out of a workout when you are letting someone else down.
Try something new
Just like the playlist, your favorite classes can get a bit mind-numbing after a while.
Once a month, try a completely different activity. During the lockdown, I enjoyed the Peloton Online Streaming Spinning Classes. I also discovered Yin Yoga, which helped me relax my mind while getting a full-blown stretch.
Just don’t think about it.
I like to get my exercise done and over with early in the morning before my mind has had the time to figure out what the heck I’m doing. The mind has a cunning way of convincing us; I’m too tired, it’s too hot, too cold, too late, too early, too this, too that, blah-blah-blah.
Of course, if you strain an ankle or you are ill, there is no need to be too hard on yourself, but I find that the best way to motivate myself is to say: “it is what it is, this is happening period, there is no talking yourself out of this one, you can moan later darling.”
Start a training plan.
Set a new goal. Give yourself a target. For running, I love the ASICS Runkeeper app to motivate me to hit a new pace, accumulate a weekly mileage, or prep for a new race. There are many good fitness apps to choose from. I find goals to be the best motivator of all time.
Get new gear
When all else fails, get yourself some new gear. A new exciting outfit, or pair of sneakers will always get me out of the door.
Make it a priority
Last but not least, make exercise a priority, as if your life depends on it.
These are my top tips how I motivate myself to exercise 6 times a week. We are all inspired by different things. Find out what gets YOU going and implement that strategy, so that you can be the motivation for others.
If this message encouraged you, please leave me a comment below. I would love to hear what motivates you to exercise.
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Oeh, I liked the “get new gear” part, and go!! 🙂
Girly girly, everything little thing we can do to get going!!