Do you ever feel like you are in a rut? Here is how to develop a positive mindset with 2 simple tools you can implement TODAY!
Journaling is an awesome tool for developing a positive mindset. It is an amazing way to gain more clarity in your life and let go of all those limiting beliefs that no longer serving you, so that you can be the truly magnificent being you were created to be.
Keep reading to learn more about this powerful tool of journaling to step up your game and have a kickass positive mindset.
You want to turn those negative thoughts and beliefs ASAP around.
You can use journaling to help you transcend any negative thoughts and beliefs into more positive ones.
Positive thinking can sometimes be a pain in the butt when we are surrounded by negativity.
Has this happened to you, you wake up in the morning full of speed: “I am conquering this day, I am kicking-some-ass today, this day is mine, I’ve got this, I can have do and be anything I want, I am a masterpiece”, and then as you go about your day, you are bombarded with negativity, unexpected events that funk you up, people who drain your energy, making you feel frustrated and angry, and worst of all you forgot all about your masterpiece-conquering-kickass-I’ve-got this-kinda day.
The truth is you cannot control the people and situations in your life but you can control how you deal with them. Journaling is an amazing way to do this. By writing down your negative thoughts, allowing them to surface, accepting them, and even embracing them if you can, you can easily let them off the hook and turn them into opportunities for growth and expansion.
You want to dig in deep into the nitty-gritty of those negative thoughts and beliefs.
As you write down your thoughts and feeling, and you pay attention to how they feel, you will gain tremendous clarity about yourself, your thought patterns, and limiting beliefs. Usually your monkey-chattering-mind is on such a fast train, it makes it very difficult for you to even notice the train, and through writing your thoughts on paper you can become more aware of thoughts and beliefs. And once you become aware of these thoughts and beliefs you’ve been holding on so tight, you can give them give them a break and let them go.
Be brutally honest with yourself.
If you can be brutally honest with yourself when journaling you can learn a hell lot about yourself, and where these impressions come from. When you understand yourself, and you understand where these thoughts are coming from and why you are having these thoughts, you can easier make the necessary changes so that you can become more of the truly magnificent being you were created to be.
Tune into some appreciation just for the sake of it.
Journaling can also be an awesome way to express gratitude and focus on all the good in your life. I am sure there are many reasons for you to be grateful, whether it is your health, your ability to read this blog post, where you live, what you do for a living. You attract in your life what you focus upon. When you focus and write down all the things you are grateful for I guarantee you will attract more things in your life to be grateful about. And not only that, it lifts your ass up in a blink of an eye. And when you feel uplifted, only more awesomeness can come into your life.
So did you write down some words today, some kickass journaling?? If not. Why not??? Hello! Get on with the program.
Journaling has transformed my life in an amazing way and I wish the same for you. I would love to hear all about your journaling experience. Lots of love. Namaste
Helpful resources:
A simple guide To affirmations
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