Do you ever feel off-balance with too much or too little energy? Here’s how to create more Sattva in your life with these kickass tips for living a more Sattvic Lifestyle.
According to the Hindu philosophy there are 3 gunas; 3 sources of energy in life (3 qualities of the universe), and these 3 sources of energy can be found everywhere and everything.
- Rajas
- Tamas
- Sattva
Rajas Guna
Rajas is one of the three qualities of the universe and it is the quality of activity, movement, action and change. Any kind of activity or movement is considered Rajas. Without Rajas there could be no life force.
Higher rajas energy can be handy for motivation and exercises, but too much rajas can lead to hyperactivity, over thinking and anxiety.
Tamas Guna
Tamas is another one of the three qualities of the universe and it is the quality of mental dullness, laziness and inertia.
Too much Tamas can cause procrastination, too much sleep and lethargy.
Sattva Guna
Sattva is the quality of the universe that reflects purity, truth, and life force energy (prana).
And these 3 Gunas are in everything:
- In the food that we eat
- The company that we keep
- Our social activities
- Our entertainment

Just imagine trying to meditate after one of those delish Starbucks Venti-double-shot-espresso-coffee with a huge chocolate muffin.
Do you think you would be able to meditate after that?
Most likely your mind will be all over the place, feeling restless of all the caffeine and sugar in your system.
This means that the predominant guna in you is rajas, and when there is too much rajas in you, you might feel a little anxious, perhaps a bit restless, having too many thoughts running around in your mind, and unable to calm down.
Now try to imagine having a large plate of fried Chinese food with hot sauce.
Do you think you would be able to meditate after that?
You would probably be sleeping, feeling lethargic and heavy, with your energy level down for real. But if you had a fruit plate instead or a fresh salad, you would feel a whole lot different, isn’t it?
Have you ever tried to meditate after watching a horror or action and adventure movie? I bet you it was a tad difficult to sit still let alone calm down your mind.
The environment we are in can also take its toll on our gunas. I am sure trying to meditate in the middle of a ghetto town where there is a lot of drugs crime can be somewhat challenging as well, you will most likely feel some heaviness and unease.
Then again if you were sitting in a temple or an Ashram in India without a doubt the energy or vibration would be completely different.
And so the question we want to ask is: How can we create more of that Sattva in our lives?
And you can create more Sattva in your life;
- By choosing the peeps you hang out with. Choose to be in the company of wise people who inspire and uplift you, sharing knowledge, listening and learning will for sure change your energy level and mindset.
- By choosing sattvic food; fresh organic foods that are full of life force energy, nutritious and easy to digest rather than processed junk food can make a whole world of a difference in your life.
- And most important keeping your life force energy high by doing your practices such as meditations, pranayama (breathing techniques) and yoga. To learn more about pranayama I suggest reading the benefits of alternate nostril breathing and the best quick fix for quieting the monkey mind
So to have more sattva in your life, you don’t have to meditate 24 hours a day. Experiencing more sattva means you are moving towards that life supporting energy, towards wisdom and truth.
And with time you will notice that the more often and with consistency you do your practices, all those not-so-supportive-life-energy will naturally wane down.
The whole thing is to commit yourself to making decisions that are good for you, in other words making conscious choices of:
- The food that you eat
- The time you go for your siesta (sleep)
- The series you watch
So whenever you feel off-balance with too much or too little energy, use these kickass tips to create more Sattva in your life and have a more Sattvic Lifestyle. It is all about choosing a more healthy and life supportive lifestyle and make it your B*tch. Commit to it until it becomes your natural way of being.
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