When was the last time you told yourself how amazing you are? Affirmations are truly powerful and here is a simple guide to Affirmations.
Affirmation is a powerful tool you can use to create the life of your dreams. It can help you to rewire your brain and train it think how you want it to think, so that you can more easily bring into your experience the life you always dreamt of.
Now what the heck is this thing called affirmations that every one is talking about? Affirmations are short positive statements you create to either eliminate something from your life or create something amazing in your life.
Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation, which means with every word you speak and every thought you think you are affirming your future. Your thoughts can either boost you up or knock you down. And if you are like most of us the majority of your thoughts are negative and knock you down.
Doing affirmations means you take responsibility for the thoughts you choose to think. And the way to go about this is to figure out which affirmations you need to get down in your spirit, and you repeat them over and over again in your head.
Please feel free to use these simple tools to learn how to write your own affirmations, DO your affirmations, so that you too can benefit from this powerful technique.
Here is a simple guide to Affirmations. First I will share a few tips on HOW to do your affirmations and then WHEN to do your affirmations.
There are many ways you can do your affirmations, to help you get into a right frame of mind, and go about your day with love, confidence, faith, and high vibes. Here are some great tips:
Write them down – The easiest way to do your affirmations is to write down your favorite affirmations ten times every morning and ten times every evening before you go to bed and say them out loud. Another option is to write down just one affirmation ten times each day as your topic of focus for the day, or fill an entire page with affirmations that are related to what you are trying to create in your life.
Put sticky notes all around your house – If you want to remind yourself of your affirmations throughout the day, you can write them on Post-it notes and stick them around your house. You want to stick them basically anywhere you can see them often, it can be on the mirror, on the refrigerator, or in your car so that every time you see them, it reminds you to repeat your affirmations out loud or in your mind.
Mirror work – is to look in the mirror and say your affirmations out loud. This is a very powerful technique to shift your inner energy.
Repeat your affirmations all day long – If you have short affirmations that are easy to remember, you can repeat them to yourself throughout the day, in the car, while you are driving, stuck in traffic, while waiting in line, or sitting in the dentist chair.
Now that we’ve got the first part of the simple guide to affirmations covered, HOW to do your affirmations, it is time to focus on the WHEN to do your affirmations.
There is not a right or wrong way to do your affirmations. You can do them at any time to boost your confidence. But, here are a few tips for choosing when to do different types of affirmations.
When you are on a low vibe- Whenever you feel down, experiencing negative feelings it means you are on a low vibration. Affirmations can be an amazing tool to lift you up, and raise your vibe.
When you feel lost- Whenever you feel lost or stuck, affirmations can help you raise your vibe, and when your vibration is higher you will feel more clarity, and you will be more open and receptive to the guidance that is always readily available to you.
When you are experiencing low self-confidence- You are amazing! You are a Masterpiece. There is nothing ordinary about you. You are unique and one of kind. Whenever you need to be reminded of who you really are, do your affirmations, meditate on them, get them down in your spirit. Remind yourself of how truly amazing you are.
When you want to smash your goals- Write down the affirmations related to your goals, Repeat them as often as you can, out loud or in the mirror, write them down, or whatever you need to do to remind yourself that you can do, be and have anything you want, and that nothing is going to stop you from smashing your goals.
Affirmations work. But you have got to do them. No one can do your affirmations for you. And once you do your affirmations, I promise you will have your own experience of what this powerful technique can do for you. Don’t wait another day. Start right now!
So here you have it, a simple guide to affirmations. I hope this message encouraged you. Please let me know how your affirmations are changing your life! I love hearing your inspiring stories. You are amazing!!
If you enjoyed this message you want to read how to create your own kickass affirmations.
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