Are you struggling with losing a little bit of weight? Want to know the real secret to lose weight and keep it off for once and for all? Here is how to lose weight and keep it OFF!
- #1 – Do NOT skip meals, especially not breakfast.
Many of us tend to skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast won’t help you to lose weight. People who always eat breakfast tend to weigh less than those who skip their morning meal.
There is something magic in a hearty breakfast. It fuels your body with healthy nutrients, and you will be more likely to resist food cravings and make more conscious choices. When you skip breakfast, you will wind up feeling hungry and dig in throughout the day.
- #2 – Eat regularly.
I’ve found that eating small meals every 2-3 hours reduce hunger and prevent impulsive snacking on high saturated fat and sugar throughout the day. It will provide your body and brain with a steady stream of nutrients, so you don’t stuff yourself during dinner.
In addition, eating a balanced diet with the right amount of nutrients keeps you healthy, boosts your immune system, keeps your energy levels high, and positively affects your mood.
- #3 – Eat smaller portions.
Eating smaller meals can help control appetite and lead to feelings of fullness. You can either weigh your food or use smaller plates or bowls to make it easier to eat smaller meals.
Another way is to use the palm of your hand as a guide for the amount of meat you eat. A clenched fist for the number of carbohydrates you eat. And, the size of the tip of your thumb for the number of fats and oils you consume in one meal.
- #4 – Slow it down a bit.
Most of us eat way too fast. As a result, we gulp down too many calories before we realize we had enough. From the moment you have your first bite it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to send out the signals that you are full.
- #5 – Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, low in calories and fat, and contain lots of vitamins and minerals, all of which are vital to losing weight.
- #6 – Move a little a.k.a. sweat a bit.
Exercise is the secret to losing weight and keeping it off. Besides all the health and mental benefits, physical activity is the icing on the cake that helps you burn off the extra calories that diet alone cannot do.
Find an exercise that you genuinely enjoy and make it part of your daily routine.
- #7 – Get your daily doses of water.
The truth is we often mistake hunger for thirst. Often the signs of feeling thirsty are weak, and we tend to think we are hungry. In reality, we are thirsty. We wind up taking in unnecessary calories when, in fact, all we needed was a glass of water.
- # 8 – Eats foods that are high in fiber.
High-fiber-foods improve your health, helps you stay full longer, which helps you lose weight. Foods which are high in fiber are fruits and vegetables, wholegrain, beans, peas, lentils, avocado, and chia seeds, to name a few.
- #9 – What you resist persists.
Be wary of depriving yourself of a particular food. As Carl Jung so intelligently stated, “what you resist not only persists but will grow in size,” and this is true for food as well. Eliminating foods from your diet will only make you think of them more, and you will end up craving them more.
- #10 – Avoid temptation.
Keep temptations out of sight. Someplace you cannot see them. If you can keep the junk out of the house is even better, there is no need to stock the fridge with stuff you don’t need. Keep foods that are healthy visible, and readily available. You can have a bowl of fresh fruit on the counter and freshly cut vegetables in the refrigerator.
- #11 – Plan meals in advance.
Plan your meals in advance to avoid getting hungry and eat whatever you can get your hands on the fastest.
- #12 – Cut back on the booze.
Alcohol is high in calories and has pretty much zero nutritional value. Drinking alcohol makes it harder to lose weight and stay focused. When we are buzzed, we tend to make unconscious choices ,and go after all that is bad for us.
- #13 – Change your relationship to food.
Food is an essential source of energy. Notice how you feel after eating a heavy meal compared to eating a light meal or fresh salad. You will most likely feel lethargic and sleepy after a heavy meal rather than light and energetic. The right type of food and the right amount is essential for your body to function effectively.
A vegetarian diet is more life-supporting and easy to digest, as well. Raw, fresh, and unprocessed food contains more life force energy than old or overcooked food.
- #14 – Make it a lifestyle.
Create new healthy habits by taking small steps; one bite at a time rather than turning your entire lifestyle upside down, all at once. Remember that long and steady wins the race.
BONUS: Focus on what you want instead of what you DON’T want. Shift the focus from losing weight to feeling healthy. Where awareness goes, energy flows.
You attract what you focus upon, so if your focus is on losing weight, losing weight will come looking for you. If your focus is on feeling healthy, a sense of vitality, vibrancy, and wellbeing, that is what you will attract more of in your life!
So here you have it, the real secret to lose weight and keep it off for once and for all. If this message encouraged you, please make sure to leave me a comment below. I would love to hear from you.
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