Why do most of us fail in experiencing this forever-never-ending-lasting-love?
We meet someone and we are all head-over-heels, can’t take my eyes off of you, fourth-of-July-like-kinda-fireworks in our belly and then it wears off and becomes as exciting as waiting in line or being stuck in traffic.
And the sad news is that we start doubting whether it is even possible to attain this kinda forever-never-ending-lasting-love.
The truth is there are many ways we can create and attract this forever-never-ending-lasting-love.
However, the only place where you can begin to even have a taste of this forever-never-ending-lasting-love is within your Self. You want to become the love you wish to experience.
First of all you want to know WHO YOU REALLY ARE at the core of your being because this is the number one thing that is necessary for any relationship to thrive, whether it is with a lover, a co-worker, or with your mother in law.
As you begin to know WHO YOU REALLY ARE, your life and your relationships will begin to thrive in ways you never even thought possible.

Many of us find ourselves in terms of the different roles we play in society, the work that we do, and the relationships that we have, but the truth is our true Self goes beyond all of that. Underneath it all we are nothing but love, we are pure love, infinite love.
Yes you got that right. You are nothing but love! You are pure infinite love and nothing more.
Your true SELF is not your body, nor your mind, nor your emotions, not even your personality. If you pay close attention you will notice that all these things such as the body, thoughts, emotions are temporary and always changing. Even your personality is always changing. Have you noticed this?
The body you had when you took your first breath the day you were born is completely different from the body you had when you were the know-it-all-teenager, and the body you will have when you are in a rocking chair telling your grand children all your dirt.
However there is a part of you that NEVER changes? This is the part of you that witnesses all those parts of you that are always changing. Are you are familiar with this part of you?
It is the all-inclusive-total-acceptance-ever-present-non-judgmental-loving-awareness of all of your Self: your body, your mind and also itself.
To have a taste of this part of yourself all you have to do is turn your attention inward, and observe the one who is observing.
When you do this, the presence that you feel is your true self; this is your true nature; this is who you really are at the core of your being.
Everything comes and goes. But this one always remains the same, in the here and the now.
So if you have been running around in circles searching for love and happiness in all-the-wrong-place I have good news for you. You just have to cut the crap and become more of the love that you already are. And all it takes is a shift in focus, and swiftly turn your attention to where love actually is. And that my friend is no other place than in the depth of your own being. You see… love was never outside of you. This is where most of us have it all wrong. At least I did.
And the beauty is there is nowhere to go and nothing to do. There is nothing to repair and nothing to fix for you are already perfect whole and complete exactly as you are.
Get in touch with this part of you and have your own experience of the magnificent loving being that you are. Be safe and please leave me a comment below and let me know how you are doing. One love
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