For those of you who know me well know that my energy is extremely important to me.
When my energy is low during the day, whenever I feel tired, not feeling very good about myself, my mind becomes very grumpy, I doubt everything and everyone, I can’t focus, I feel irritable, heavy, and negative.
On the other hand when my energy is high, I feel happy, light, and positive. My mind can let go of all the BS more easily.
I am a control freak and I like to control how I feel during the day, and by changing the energy level in my body I can control how I feel throughout my days.
The first thing I cannot live without
Fruits & vegetables
Food is an essential source of energy. Whenever I eat a heavy meal or overeat I feel dull and sleepy, and every time I eat a light meal or a salad I feel light and energetic. The right amount and right type of food is essential for our bodies to function effectively. A vegetarian diet is more life supporting and easier to digest as well. In fact, raw, fresh, and unprocessed fruits and vegetables contain a lot of life energy. By paying attention to my diet I can better control and keep my energy level high. So I can’t live without my fruits and vegetables.
The second thing I cannot live without
A bed
Whenever I don’t get a good night sleep, I don’t feel very well the next day, I react on everything, I feel irritated with everyone, and I am not a very pleasant person to be around. Getting a good night sleep is very important to me in order to be efficient throughout the day. So can’t live without a good fluffy bed.
The third thing I cannot live without
Meditation cushion
Through breathing exercises combined with meditation I have improved the quality of my life significantly. Our breath is our main source of energy. At the Art of living I have learned a technique to manage my breath, and increase my energy level and to be honest with you here, I am not a very pretty person if I haven’t done my morning practice so this why I cannot live without my meditation cushion.
The fourth thing I cannot live without
Yoga mat
Whenever my mind is filled with negative thoughts such as worries, doubt and fear it drains my energy and I feel very tired. And when my mind is filled with pure, positive, loving thoughts I feel excited, and very energetic. Yoga is my meditation in movement, it really calms my mind and leaves me feeling relaxed, happy and enthusiastic, so can’t do without a yoga mat.
The fifth thing I cannot live without
A good book
There is nothing that uplifts my energy more than a good book filled with knowledge, wisdom and inspiring words. I love knowledge, I love understanding the Universe and its laws. I love reading inspiring books it increases my energy and motivates me to become more of the woman I was created
to be. So no, cant live without a good book.
The sixth thing I cannot live without
A notepad and pen
Writing has changed my life in a tremendous way. I write every day. Some days I can spend a couple of hours writing, whereas other days I have a lot less time. But no matter what, I sit down every day at my desk and write for at least one hour. It does not matter whether I have a specific subject I am writing about or not. I just write down as a routine.
I block out one hour, and I honor this time and space. I consider it my sacred hour. Sticking to this has helped me have immense clarity and purpose in life and today I cannot live without it.
The seventh thing I cannot live without
Running shoes
Oh what would I do without a good run? It keeps me fit and energetic. It is my favorite therapist, my best friend and it surely deserves a blog post of it own.
So here you have it the seven things I cannot live without.
1. Good food (fruits and vegetables)
2. A good night sleep (my bed)
3. A quiet mind (meditation and SKY)
4. A happy state of mind (yoga)
5. Knowledge (a good book)
6. Self-reflection (pen and paper)
7. A good therapist (running shoes)
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