4 Sure ways to Raise your Vibration
If you are feeling anything but good, it is because your Vibration is low. When your Vibration is low, you will attract more like it. So you want your Vibration to be high, and here are four sure ways to raise your Vibration.
It is all about your Vibes
How do you feel when your energy is low? Do you feel happy? Probably not! When your energy is low, your Vibe is low, and you are most likely feeling lethargic, perhaps sad, irritated, demotivated, or exhausted with zero energy.
And what about when your Vibe is freakn’ high? How do you feel? You know those mornings when you wake up, and you feel like this-day-is-mine. You wake up feeling enthusiastic and ready to conquer the day. Excited to do whatever it takes to get things done. You feel energetic, full of energy, motivated, inspired, confident, you believe in yourself, and you know without a doubt in your mind that you freakn’ own this day.
Too often, we think that we feel the way we feel because of our lives’ events. We believe that we are feeling happy because of that thing that is happening, because of the promotion or the big break. And we think we feel sad because of what THEY said to us or what THEY did to us.
We tend to believe that the events, circumstances, and people in our lives make us feel the way we feel. But the truth is you can experience the same event completely different when your energy is low versus when your energy is high. Isn’t it?
You have to understand that the way you feel has nothing to do with your life event or circumstances and has everything to do with your thoughts about the situation.
When you can keep your energy high and stay on that high Vibe for long periods, you will be better at handling the people, places, and situations in your life.
Sounds impressive, right? But you might be asking: how the heck am I supposed to raise my Vibration and keep it high?

There are four sources of energy:
First and foremost, you have to take care of your body. Watch what you feed your body. The food you eat can either raise your energy or lower your energy. Be aware of what you put in your mouth and how you feel. Notice what gives you good energy and what doesn’t.
Pay attention to the amount and also to the quality of the food you eat. The amount of food you stuff your body with can also have a go at your energy. And so does the quality of the food you eat.
Notice how you feel when you binge on junk food? And notice the difference when you eat whole organic fruits and vegetables? It is all about conscious eating and paying attention to how it feels.
Have you ever noticed how you feel after sleeping all day? And what about when you have had no sleep at all, or you fell asleep while watching a horror or violent movie?
Sleeping doesn’t always have to mean you rested well. Sometimes we sleep but don’t feel rested at all. You have to know your body. Know how much sleep time YOU need to feel rested. For most people, it is between 6- 8 hours, for some even less. You have to listen to your body and know how much time you need to feel rested.
Be very conscious of what it is you look at before you go to bed. Always look at things that are light, uplifting, and inspiring before you drift off the sleep. Because the information you fill your mind with before bedtime is the information that will remain with you while you are sleeping.
Your breath
Breathing is the first thing you did when you arrived on this planet, and it is the last thing you will do when you leave this body. Your breath is what gives you energy. Your breath is mighty powerful. Your breath is what gives you life and helps you handle and manage your emotions.
I am a long-distance runner. Whenever I go for those long runs and feel like I am going to die, my breath gives me the energy to keep going. The deeper and longer my breaths, the more energized I will feel.
A happy and meditative state of mind
When you are happy, and your Vibe is high, you have a lot of energy. We have to stop associating our happiness with the events and circumstances in our lives.
Happiness is a state of mind, independent from the events and circumstances in your life, and when you learn to cultivate that happy state of mind regardless of what is happening around you, you will reach that state of bliss and peace. It is the unconditional happiness that you want.
If you take care of these four energy sources, you will feel much lighter and happier, and you will attract more goodness into your life.
Let me know in the comments below how this message has encouraged you. I would love to hear from you.
The four ways to raise your Vibration:
- Nutrition
- Rest
- Your Breath
- A happy and meditative state of mind
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