A Kickass productive day
Do you ever feel like you have too much to do too little time? Here are 4 simple tricks for a kickass productive day.
We all want to be massive productive to make the most out of our days, but often we miss the boat, not knowing how to bring it into play. Those who are successful know the importance of managing your day right, while getting down to business. Keeping track of your to-do list and marking off your to-do’s is a wicked way to improve your overall productivity. Here are a few tricks you can do to kickass your productivity throughout the day.
First – Plan your day
The one thing all the Big Shots running massive businesses have in common is that their day is planned on the dot in every way. From the moment they rise-and-shine to the time they call it a day. Every day brings infinite new possibilities. And an awesome way to plan for a kickass day is by determining, and writing down your highest priorities the night before. Yes, write it down. Research shows that people are more likely to follow through on their tasks when they write it down.
Second – Five-minute breaks
Take five-minute breaks throughout your day. Even though taking some small breaks throughout your day may seem counteractive to some kickass productivity, it is extremely beneficial. The purpose of these five-minute- breaks is to relax your mind, be fully present in the moment, and let go of all distractions for a few minutes. You can get some fresh air, perhaps stretch a little bit, get a cup of tea, or just close your eyes. The most important thing is that you aren’t working or thinking about work during these five-minute breaks.

Third- Remember your purpose
Your purpose is your most powerful kick-in-the-butt, encouraging you to kick-some-serious-ass throughout the day. Be very clear about your purpose. Break down your purpose into smaller, more manageable goals. Decide on the tasks you want to focus on that day to fulfill your purpose. When you live a life on purpose you do what you love and you love what you. And when you do, you steadily ride through your days.
Four – Get some exercise
When the going gets tough, just sweat it all out! Let go of all the worries. Shake it off. Exercise makes you feel fit and energetic and it boosts you to be in the right frame of mind to conquer all your to-do’s and get-it-done-and-over-with. While doing your exercise practice being fully present in the moment. Enjoy your health. Celebrate your accomplishments. Life is short, enjoy and have some fun while you are at it.
So here you have it, 4 simple tricks to have a kickass productive day:
- Plan your day
- Take 5 minute breaks
- Remember your purpose
- Sweat a bit
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