“With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.” Dalai Lama
4 Scientifically proven ways to boost your self-confidence plus 1 bonus.
Do you know those people who exude self-confidence? You don’t know what it is about them, but you just want to be around them and engage in their vision.
The truth is, it has nothing to do with their looks and everything to do with how they feel about themselves. And, you can have that too.
Here are four scientifically proven ways to boost your self-confidence plus one bonus.
A study at the San Francisco State University found that our posture has a significant impact on our confidence level. According to the research, our posture impacts how we see ourselves and the way others see us.
Standing tall and sitting up straight projects a powerful, assertive, and dominant person, while a slouching posture projects a more passive, overwhelmed, or depressed person.
Most of us are accustomed to slouching while socialmediaing, looking down at our screens, or sitting in a drooping way while having our meal.
If you feel anxious or fearful, try to sit up straight or stand up tall. If you catch yourself slouching while sitting in a chair or working behind a computer, try to adjust the furniture so you can sit up straight.
Slouching may also indicate tiredness, so the study suggests that whenever you notice yourself slouching shift your limited thoughts to more empowering thoughts or take a break, do some exercise, or do some simple stretches.
These simple gestures will increase your confidence level, calm your mind, lower your stress levels, and improve your health and performance.
A study on the effect of body posture on confidence level performed at Harvard and Columbia Business Schools has shown that by leaning back with your hands behind your head and feet on your desk, or standing with your legs and arms wide open for about two minutes boosts the hormones linked to power and dominance, and lowers the stress hormones.
So anytime you want to look and feel more confident, try these power poses. In addition to the hormonal shifts, these poses lead to improved feelings of strength and fearlessness.
People will be more intrigued by how you feel about yourself than what you have to say.
A survey on how people perceive others based on the color of their clothes concluded that black is a color of confidence. We tend to see those wearing black as more serious and reliable.
According to the survey, if you want to dress to impress and want to look confident, you want to wear black. Black is the perfect color for an interview or a first date. Wearing black will make you feel more sure of yourself. As a result, you will exude competence and trustworthiness.
A number of research in social psychology has shown that sharing eye gaze exudes confidence. Those who are not afraid to look others straight in the eye are perceived as more friendly, convincing, and full of self-confidence than those people with wandering eyes.
This was shown to be true in one-on-one interactions, as well as video conferences and photographs.
According to a study, models who consistently looked the camera straight in the eye in a 1-minute video recording were perceived by the viewer as more persuasive, attractive, and mature than models who had eyes wandering all over the place.
If you are not used to a little bit of eye contact, this requires some practice. As the saying goes: “where there is a will, there is away.”
We cannot talk about Self-confidence without touching the subject of affirmations. Affirmation is a powerful way to boost your self-confidence. By repeating over and over again, “I Am a Freakn’ Masterpiece,” you will, at some point, darn well believe it, and you will feel in ever cell of your being that you truly are a freakn’ masterpiece.
Repeating affirmations is how you reprogram your mind and transform limiting beliefs into empowering ones. A belief is just a thought you have told yourself over and over again. And everything you perceive in your world is but a reflection of what you believe about yourself.
So, choose 2-3 Self-Confidence Affirmations that resonate with you and repeat them over and over again. Be patient, trust the process, and eventually, these thoughts will become your reality.
The 4 scientifically proven ways to boost your self-confidence:
- Sit up straight & stand up tall
- The power pose
- Put on your black dress
- The power of eye-contact
- Affirmations
- How to rise above your limiting beliefs
- How to develop a positve mindset
- How to create kickass affirmations
- Simple guide to affirmations
If you enjoyed these four scientifically proven ways to boost your self-confidence, please leave a comment below and let me know which one strikes you the most.